2.4.2. Central Tisa vineyards - Srednje Potisje

Central Tisa vineyards include vineyard areas in the middle basin of the river Tisa; parts of cadastral municipalities of: Novi Becej, Becej, Zabalj and Zrenjanin.

Borders of Central Tisa vineyards are outer borders of 4 (four) oasis that are included in the vineyards: Novi Becej, Biserno Ostrvo, Curug - Backo Gradiste andTaras.

  1. Oasis Novi Becej is located in the north part of the vineyards,  in the area "Ljutovo" to Biserno Ostrvo 
  2. Oasis Biserno Ostrvo includes area of Biserno Ostrvo in the middle basin of the river Tisa. At the end of the 19th century, landlord Gedeon Rohonci started to raise vine from Algerians,  and from it started production of well known wine “Krokan”.
  3. Oasis Curug - Backo Gradiste is located on the terrain between settlements Backo Gradiste and Curug up to Biserno Ostrvo on the other side of the river Tisa 
  4. Oasis Taras is located on the south of the vineyards. It includes vineyards along the left bank of the river Tisa from Taras on north to road Aradac - Zabalj on south.