3.2. South Metohia region - South Metohia

South Metohia region expands in the area of south west part of Kosovo and Metohia, or in the area of south Metohia, and goes from 42° 31' geographic latitude on north to 42° 09' geographic latitude on south, on altitudes of 300 m to 800 m. Altitude gradually decreases going from north east to south west of the region. Vineyards are mostly on lower altitudes. 


3.2. Južnometohijski rejon - Južna Metohija

It includes municipals of Djakovica, Orahovac, Prizren and Suva Reka.

Region is mostly characterized by different expositions and moderately - steep to gentle slopes where vineyards are grown. Types of soil of this area are vertisol, fluvisol, humofluvisol and semigley, ranker, sirozem, litosol on slate and gneiss, and rarely other soils too.

Topographic  - relief characteristics of this region are: to the north of the region Grebnicka Mountain (733 m), to north east of the region mountains Drenica (1025 m) and Crnoljeva (1177 m), on south east part of the region mountains Zar (1694 m) and Osljak (2212 m), and on the south side mountain Koritnik (2393 m). Massifs and slopes of these mountains (belonging to Dinara mountains) are intersected by rivers. South west part is characterized by soft hills and flatter terrain.

Region includes areas with forests of common oak,  Turkey oak,  while lower parts are covered by mostly mountain beech forests, and mountain submediterranean belt of forest of thermophile  oaks, black and white hombeam, chestnut, and other, as well as lowland submediterranean belt with numerous thermophile and hydothermophile plant ecosystems.

The biggest river in the region is Beli Drim. The area is also rich in several smaller river systems (Prizrenska Bistrica, Erenik, Topluga and Mirusa) and two lakes: Vrbnisko lake on south west, and Radonjcko lake on north west. Landscape is characterized on south west by Danube canon, mountains in the distance, areas with arable crops, and numerous settlements and hills with vineyards around Velika Hoca.  

South Metohia region includes the following vineyards:

3.2.1. Djakovica vineayrds - Djakovica

3.2.2. Orahovac vineyards – Orahovac

3.2.3. Prizren vineyards – Prizren

3.2.4. Suva reka vineyards - Suva Reka

3.2.5. Malisevo vineayrds - Malisevo.