Backi Petrovac

Backi Petrovac municipality is located in Vojvodina, in the southern part of Backa. It is bordered by the municipalities of Novi Sad, Vrbas, Backa Palanka and Beocin municipality in Srem.

Reliable data on Backi Petrovac date from the Middle Ages. Under its current name it was first mentioned in the XIII century. After the arrival of the Turkish, the number of indigenous people decreased, and the number of Serbs increased. In this area a military border was formed at the time, and later it included Petrovac. Later fate of Backi Petrovac is the same as of other Backa cities.

There is a number of churches in the vicinity of Backi Petrovac:

  • Slovak Evangelical Church
  • Catholic Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Evangelical Church in Kulpin
  • Orthodox Church in Kulpin
  • Evangelican Church in Glozan
  • Orthodox Church in Glozan
  • German Evangelical Church in Maglic
  • Orthodox Church in Maglic

Other cultural buildings are:

Slovakian Matica

National Museum of Backi Petrovac

‘Zuzke Arctostaphylos’ Gallery

Museum of Agriculture in Kulpin

Slovak – Vojvodina Theater