Divcibare are on the mountain Maljen, southeast of Valjevo, at an altitude of 980 meters. Favorable geographic position makes coastal climate to reach Divcibare, where it colides with the Carpathian and Pannonian, which may explain the increased presence of iodine in the air. It is suitable for treating lung diseases, anemia and diseases of the neuro-vegetative disorders. Divcibare has a mild climate, an average of 239 days without wind, 280 days without rainfall. There is a lot of snow during the winter, and the average air temperature in summer does not exceed 22 degrees C. Therefore Divcibare is declared to be a climate place.
The mild climate, favorable geographical position, rich flora and fauna, abundance of springs and rivers are the cause for Divcibare to be classified as the most attractive tourist spots in Serbia, equally attractive in summer and winter. Conifers are predominant on Divcibare, in the very center are mountain pines that normally do not grow anywhere else in less than 2.000 m above sea level. Nature Reserves on Divcibare are the old forests in the Pleca, Devil's whirlpool at the river of Crna Kamenica, and canyon of the Kamenica River. A special attraction is a 20 meter high waterfall called Skakalo on the river Manastirica.
There are a couple of ski trails. The longest track (800 m) is on Crni Vrh, with a lift with capacity of 700 skiers per hour. Track is illuminated, and there is a possibility of night skiing. The hotels and resorts have possibility of renting ski equipment and services, and there is a ski school during the winter season.