Mataruska Spa

Mataruška Spa is located in central Serbia, on the slopes of Stolovi, and at an altitude of 215 meters. Mataruska Spa mineral water has a temperature of 42 ° C to 51 ° C with a lot of sulfur (25 mg / L).

In Mataruska Spa one can heal: rheumatic diseases (inflammatory rheumatism, connective tissue diseases, degenerative diseases of the spine and connective tissues, extrajoint rheumatism), gynecological diseases (primary and secondary sterility), posttraumatic states and all of their consequences (injuries and fractures of joints, muscle hypertrophy), neurological disease or damage to the central and peripheral nervous system (paresis and plegias of limbs, multiple sclerosis, lesions, interverebrae discussion, and the situation after the surgery), peripheral vascular disease (Birger disease ateromatoze, artherosclerosis, varicosis)