1.11.5. Temnic vineyards - Temnic

Temnic vineyards include area on the hills on the right side of the river Zapadna Morava in its lowest basin, all the way to delta with Juzna Morava, as well as part of hills going from there,  on the left side of the river Velika Morava.

Vineyards include the following cadastral municipalities: Karanovac, Donji KrCin, Pajkovac, Toljevac, Cernica, OraSje, Izbenica, Suvaja, ObreZ, Gornji Katun, BaCina, Varvarin - village, Maskare, Bosnjane,  Gornji Krcin, Mala Krusevica, Parcane, Zalogovac and Marenovo.