2.2.1. Ridjica vineyards - Ridjica
Ridjica vineyards are located in the west part of the Subotica region, on sandy terrains along with national border, on west from Backi Breg to, on east, beginning of Telecka plateau.
Vineyards include parts of the cadastral municipalities of: Backi Breg, Rastina and Ridjica, which at the same time make three oasis: Backi Breg, Rastina and Ridjica. Borders of the oasis are at the same time borders of vineyards as well.
- Oasis Backi Breg is located on the far west of the vineyards, and includes terrains north and south east from the village.
- Oasis Rastina is located in the central part of the vineyards and includes terrains in the west part of the cadastral municipality of Rastina.
- Oasis Ridjica is located in the east part of the vineyards, and includes terrains north and south of the settlement Ridjica, from the state border to Telecka plateau.