2.3. Region Telecka - Telecka

On the territory of Telecka slope and Telecka plateau in the central part of Backa,  there is region of Telecka.  The region expands from 45° 57' geographic latitude on the north to 45° 33' geographic latitude on the south,  at altitudes from , 80 m to 110 m, and includes territory in the municipalities of Sombor, Backa Topola, Mali Idjos, Kula, Vrbas and Srbobran.   


2.3. Rejon Telečka - Telečka

Region is located in lowland plains where Pannonian - Pontian forest - steppe areas are predominant. Types of soil of this area are chernozem, humofluvisol and semigley, and rarely meri and eugley and other types of soil.

West part of the region extends along Telecka slope, while east part is lowland, with very gentle terrains in certain parts,  and it's part of the basin of the river Krivaja. Krivaja (*) is the longest river and in its entirety flows through Vojvodina. In this area arable cultures are dominant.


Region of Telecka has the following vineyards:

2.3.1. West Telecka vineyards - Telecka slope,

2.3.2. Central Telecka vineyards - Backa Topola, and

2.3.3. East Telecka vineyards - Mali Idjos.


(*) Loess valleys of Krivaja are protected natural good– Area of great characteristics.

Area of great signifficance -  is area of easily identifiable characteristics, with considerable natural, biologically - ecological,  esthetic, and cultural-historical values, developed over time as result of interaction of nature,  natural potentials of the area, and traditional way of life of the local people. Area of great significance can be natural area with great characteristics and cultural area of great characteristics. Natural area of great characteristics is area of significant biological - ecological and esthetic value where traditional way of life of the local people haven't disturbed the nature and natural ecosystems. Cultural area of great characteristics if area of considerable terrain, esthetic, and cultural - historical values that have developed over the time as result of interaction of nature, natural potentials of the area, and traditional way of life of the local people.