Ethno village Torlaci

Torlaci is located in the village Jakovac, hamlet of Beljic, near Knjazevac. In the valley of Grbulovac streams, area of a one hectare farm, is a series of ethno-style buildings, orchards, meadows, and a pond. There are restaurants, quarters, terrace, meeting room, ethnic cuisine, and other.

There are attractive destinations near by: Sokobanja, Gamzigrad, Zajecar, mountains Rtanj and Stara Planina, Nis, Suvodol monastery, the Gril monastery, and Ethno Museum "Ravna". In ‘Torlaci’ and in its surrounding is possible to get engaged in authentic rural affairs. There are beautiful hiking trails, paths of health, opportunities for hunting and fishing, biking, hiking and sports with a ball. Near are several art colonies, cultural and tourist events, and folk gatherings.